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How to prepare for the GCSEs

Written by Pontus from 8billionideas | May 2, 2023 2:56:55 PM

It’s time – the GCSEs are around the corner. Maybe you’re feeling nervous, overwhelmed, or excited about what’s ahead, but regardless: We’ve got you covered. 

You’re well aware of how important GCSEs can be for your future academic and career prospects. But just in case, here’s a quick overview: The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) is a set of exams taken in a variety of subjects, usually in Year 11, that assess your knowledge and understanding of the subject material. 

Preparing for GCSEs can feel overwhelming with the vast amount of material to cover and exams to study for. However, with the right approach, GCSE preparation can be a rewarding experience that sets you on the path to success. 

In this post, we’ll provide you with tips and strategies on how to best study for your GCSEs, so you can achieve your goals and succeed in your exams.

If you want to jump ahead, click the links below 👇

Set achievement goals

Create a study schedule 

Manage your stress

Maintain your motivation

Conclusion – key takeaways


“Success is not final; failure is not fatal; it’s the courage to keep going that counts.”


Set achievable goals 🍅

Setting achievable goals is essential for success in GCSEs. The Pomodoro Technique, a popular time management method, can be used to help achieve this. The technique was developed in the late 1980s by Francesco Cirillo, who was struggling to focus on his studies and complete assignments.

He found a tomato-shaped kitchen timer and set it for 10 minutes of focused study time, thus creating the Pomodoro Technique

The technique involves breaking down complex projects into smaller, actionable steps and combining smaller tasks together. This helps to ensure that progress is made on projects and that smaller tasks can be completed quickly. The technique requires setting a timer for 25 minutes, focusing on a single task until the timer rings, and then marking off one Pomodoro and recording what was completed. 

After four Pomodoros, take a longer, more restorative 15-30 minute break. The 25-minute work sprints are the core of the method, but the technique also includes three rules for getting the most out of each interval:

  • Breaking down complex projects
  • Combining small tasks together
  • Ensuring that the Pomodoro is an indivisible unit of time

The technique helps to make it easier to get started on tasks and break the cycle of procrastination. By shrinking tasks to tiny, unintimidating first steps, you can break out of the avoidance cycle and focus on one thing at a time. Setting effective goals based on the Pomodoro Technique helps to motivate people and track progress in their studies.

How long should your study intervals be?

The Pomodoro technique famously advocates for 25-minute intervals. However, a recent study suggests that taking a break every 52 minutes can increase productivity. The study found that the most productive workers took a 17-minute break after 52 minutes of work. 

Takeaway: Study for 50 minutes, then take a 15-minute break.

During breaks, spend time away from the computer, exercise, take a walk, or talk with fellow students, friends, or family. While there isn't a perfect amount of time for every student, research has shown that short breaks can increase productivity. 


“It doesn’t get easier – you just get better.”


Create a study schedule

Creating a study schedule is important for effective GCSE prep. Make a plan for your study sessions, allocating time for each subject, and breaks in between. This helps you to stay focused and organised, ensuring that you cover all the necessary material.

By creating a study routine, which includes avoiding distractions, taking breaks, and reviewing what you have learned, you can maximise your study time and retain information better.

So what do you need to feel ready? 

There are many study resources available to help you prepare. These include textbooks, revision guides, videos, and online resources. Use these resources to supplement your learning and enhance your understanding of the subject matter.

Some recommended study resources – including test papers – for GCSEs are:


Manage your stress

As you’re well aware, preparing for exams can be stressful, and it's important to take care of yourself both mentally and physically. It's easy to let stress take over, but maintaining a balanced lifestyle can help you stay focused and perform better. 

Make sure to get enough sleep and exercise regularly to keep your mind and body in good shape. Eating healthily is also important, as it provides the necessary nutrients for your brain to function at its best.

In addition to these basics, incorporating stress-reducing activities into your routine can be helpful. Meditation and yoga are great practices to calm the mind and reduce anxiety. Listening to music is another way to relax and take a break from the pressures of studying. 

By taking care of yourself and managing stress, you'll be better equipped to handle the challenges of exam preparation and perform at your best.

Finally, don’t forget your support network. Approach your teachers for extra help or clarification on topics that you are struggling with. Join study groups or form study partnerships with classmates, so you can share ideas and motivate each other.


Maintain your motivation

Let’s face it: You can’t always rely on motivation. If we could, getting out of bed would never be an issue – even in December.

However, with a few simple tips and tricks, you can stay calm, focused, and motivated. From setting goals to rewarding yourself for your hard work, these tips guide will help you develop a positive attitude towards studying and hitting your goals.

  • Keep calm and carry on: Stay calm and focused, and don't panic. Take a deep breath and tackle one task at a time.

  • Find your study spot: Choose a comfortable and quiet place to study, free from distractions.

  • Stay hydrated: Keep a water bottle with you and drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay alert and focused.

  • Get support: Join a study group or work with a study partner to share ideas and motivate each other.

  • Use positive self-talk: Use positive affirmations to boost your confidence and motivation. Remind yourself of your goals and how far you've come.

  • Reward yourself: Set small rewards for yourself after completing tasks or reaching milestones. Treat yourself to something you enjoy, like a snack or a favourite activity.

  • Stay positive: Keep a positive attitude and believe in yourself. Remember that you are capable of achieving your goals with hard work and determination.

  • Visualise success: Picture yourself achieving your goals and succeeding in your exams. Use this image as motivation to keep pushing forward.


Conclusion – Key takeaways

In summary, achieving success in GCSEs requires: 

  • Setting achievable goals: The Pomodoro Technique can help break down complex tasks into manageable steps. It's recommended to study for 50 minutes, followed by a 15-minute break. 

  • Creating a study schedule: It's crucial to stay organised and cover all necessary material. 

  • Managing your stress: Maintain a balanced lifestyle, including enough sleep, exercise, and a healthy diet. 

  • Incorporating stress-reducing activities: For example, meditation or yoga can be beneficial.

  • Using study resources and seeking support: Connect with your teachers and classmates to help in exam preparation. 

By following these tips, you can maximise your study time and perform at your best during exams! 


Good luck from the 8billionideas team. We know you'll ace this.