8billionideas | Journal


Written by Elliot from 8billionideas | Dec 21, 2021 3:18:10 PM

KYGN is a Tanzanian organisation aiming to improve educational opportunities for young girls in the Kilimanjaro Region. 

Many children in the Mabogini area of Tanzania have limited access to an education. It took five years for Founder and Project Director of KYGN, Annamaria Kanondo, to raise enough funds to build a handful of classrooms and open the first official KYGN school in 2014.

By 2017, the charity provided more than 150 girls with an education, including some boys. Looking ahead to the future, KYGN aims to be a fully self-sustainable organisation by providing education and welfare services for the children of Mabogini.

Despite facing significant challenges due to the pandemic and extreme weather conditions, KYGN has seen some remarkable achievements over the past year. The charity ranked in 2nd place for state examinations amongst 164 schools in the Moshi area and came 4th out of all 608 schools in the Kilimanjaro region, which included fee-paying independent schools.

Furthermore, four female students have been granted places at ‘shule teule’, which are schools for children who have shown exceptional talent, meaning their secondary education is almost entirely paid for by the Tanzanian education authority.

8billionideas have been supporting the work of KYGN for several years, and we’re delighted to see the impact we’ve had on the lives of children in the Kilimanjaro region.

To learn more about KYGN and how you can support them, visit their website: www.kygn.org