8billionideas and Delta Skills Academy Partner To Roll Out 6 Weeks of Summer Holiday Camps Across Dubai

8billionideas, an award-winning British education company equipping school students worldwide with future-focused skills and Delta Skills Academy, an initiative in partnership with GEMS Education to prepare students for the dynamics of the 21st century, have come together to bring an unforgettable summer camp experience to Dubai. 


6 weeks. 6 locations. 3 themes. 

This summer, 7-11-year-olds, across six locations in Dubai, will have the opportunity to participate in innovative and inspiring camps designed to: unlock their potential, spark their creativity, and develop essential skills for the future.

Over the course of six weeks, from June through August, young campers will have the option to dive into three extraordinary themes: Invention Camp, Imagination Camp, and Young Leaders Camp.

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The world will always need inventors and entrepreneurial minds to drive progress and innovation. At Invention Camp, your child will embark on an exhilarating journey with the 8billionideas team to explore some of the most awe-inspiring inventions ever conceived.

This camp is designed to unlock entrepreneurial talent as children create their own products and prototypes. They will engage in fun, invention-based challenges, like designing the next toy craze!

By the end of the camp, your child will have developed their own original invention and a prototype for a potential bestselling toy. This experience promises to ignite sparks of innovation, allowing children to see their ideas take shape in real time and preparing them to change the world.



With enough imagination, anything is possible. Imagination Camp is dedicated to unlocking your child’s incredible imagination through a thrilling adventure of self-expression and creation. Guided by the 8billionideas team, campers will engage in a diverse range of creative activities and hobbies, from city design to acting, storytelling, and art.

This camp emphasises self-expression and builds confidence to create extraordinary new things.

Your child will leave the camp having imagined and built their own city, equipped with the skills and confidence to bring their visions to life.



Every child has the potential to be a leader. At the Young Leaders Camp, your child will discover what type of leader they could be. They will take on the challenge of designing their own government and honing the characteristics needed to lead the world into peace and prosperity.

Through various leadership-themed challenges, trials, and games, campers will develop the skills necessary to become the changemakers of tomorrow.

By the end of the camp, children will have a deeper understanding of leadership, teamwork, and social skills, empowering them to make a positive impact in their communities and beyond.



Claim Your Child's Spot!

Each of these camps offers unique opportunities for your child to explore their potential, develop essential skills, and prepare for a future where they can make a difference. 

Spaces are limited, so make sure to secure a spot for your child in one of our exciting camps this summer.

Enrol your child here.



About 8billionideas 

8billionideas is an EdTech and services company on a mission to give every student the skills and belief to change the world. It has a proven track record of partnering with schools in more than 25 countries, equipping over 500,000 students with future-focused skills. By partnering with schools, the company delivers virtual or hybrid lessons around five core pillars: entrepreneurship, careers, life skills, wellbeing, as well as health and performance.

About Delta Skills Academy

Delta Skills Academy, a strategic initiative launched in collaboration with GEMS Education, is dedicated to preparing both adult learners and older school-aged students for the ever-evolving demands of industry and 21st-century life. This new pathway to learning focuses on key business and life skills through tailored courses that address the latest global trends. Recognising that up to half of today’s workforce will need to upskill or retrain due to new technologies in their sectors, Delta Skills Academy emphasises practical skill application grounded in hard data. 


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